Why use living shorelines?

Do you have shoreline erosion? Can you protect it and still encourage aquatic nurseries and vegetation growth? Living Shoreline Treatments address erosion in lower energy situations by providing long-term protection, restoration or enhancement of vegetated shoreline habitats through strategic placement … Continued

Join The NAPS Great Wicomico River Cleanup, Sunday, Sept. 24, noon-3pm,

We’ll get fueled up at noon with a free lunch for all participants, then we’ll clean up the shorelines of the Lower Great Wicomico River and its tributaries using a small fleet of skiffs and lots of helping hands. Everyone … Continued

Save The Date: Heathsville Earth Day Festival, Sat., Apr. 15

Learn about nature, stewardship, green energy, climate change, and the future of transportation… The Northumberland Assn. for Progressive Stewardship (NAPS) will be hosting the 8th. Annual Earth Day Festival in “downtown” Heathsville on Saturday, April 15, 2023, from 9 a.m. … Continued

Shake Your Tail Feathers Event

Rappahannock River Valley National Wildlife Refuge is excited to be partnering with Essex Public Library this summer during their Tails and Tales summer reading program! Fly on over to the Hutchinson Unit this Saturday (June 12th) to take part in … Continued