Youth Conservation Camp 2018

Northern Neck students interested in attending the 2018 Youth Conservation Camp are encouraged to submit applications to the Northern Neck Soil and Water Conservation (NNSWCD) District Office by April 27, 2018.
NNSWCD covers the cost of camp fees for up to two qualified students to the Virginia Association of Soil & Water Conservation Districts Youth Conservation Camp (YCC), held on the campus of Virginia Tech in Blacksburg, VA. The 2018 camp will take place July 8-14. Eligible students must be in grades 9-12 for the 2017-18 school year. The fee for camp, $550.00 will cover the students’ meals, lodging, activities and transportation while at camp. Students are responsible for obtaining their own means of transportation to and from Virginia Tech for the beginning and end of camp. For more information on Youth Conservation Camp, or to download a camp application, please visit or contact Kathleen Watson at 804.313.9102, ext. 105