Come be a part of the 5 year census of breeding birds in the Northern Neck! Through this workshop you will learn the skills and tools necessary for identifying breeding behavior, methods of conducting surveys and how to input your data to this state-wide census.
What? The Breeding Bird Atlas workshop
When? Sunday, April 22 2018 from 8a-2p, sign up at here
Where? The Wilna Lodge in the Rappahannock River Valley NWR, 1278 Wilna Road, Warsaw
Light lunch, snacks and drinks are provided. Bring binoculars and laptop (if possible)
Sign up by going to Direct link for the registration form is here: https://goo.gl/forms/WTFwzcTEJRDDMhsg2
For more information go to the Atlas website (vabba2.org) and then the Atlas events page (http://amjv.org/index.php/vabba2/atlas-events ) or call Lauren Cruz at 804-313-5648
Hope to see you there!