Northern Neck Master Gardeners staff Help Desks located at Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE) offices in Northumberland, Lancaster, and Westmoreland. Residents can call, e-mail ( or come to the Extension office with questions or problems encountered in home gardening. An Extension Master Gardener will research these questions and respond to the questioner. The following Help Desks are available between 9:00 AM and 12:00 Noon from April through October:
- Mondays at the Westmoreland Extension office, 18849 Kings Hwy., Montross. (804) 493-8924. This Help Desk is not open on Monday holidays in 2018.
- Tuesdays at the Northumberland Extension office, 7154 Northumberland Hwy., Heathsville. (804) 580-5694. This Help Desk is also available through November.
- Thursdays at the Lancaster Extension office, 8311 Mary Ball Road, Suite 302, Lancaster. (804) 462-5780
VCE offices are open to the public from 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM weekdays. Soil test kits, a variety of brochures on plant care, and information about upcoming NNMG events can be obtained during regular office hours. You may also send us a description of your problem by email. Include a phone number where you can be reached during the day. Attach photos of the plant or pest, where appropriate, to help diagnose the problem.