Friends of the Rappahannock (FOR) is giving away free native trees in October 2020. Register for up to three native trees for pick up in either Lancaster or Warsaw using the links below.
Lancaster Tree Giveaway Registration: Pick up on October 17 @ Kilmarnock Town Centre Park
Warsaw Tree Giveaway Registration
Trees strengthen our community by increasing property values, making public spaces more livable and improving our environment. FOR is working with several partners to make this give away possible: Northern Neck Soil & Water Conservation District and the Department of Forestry. This native tree giveaway is made possible by grant funding from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and Arbor Day Foundation.
This tree giveaway is limited to three trees per family. Pre-registration is required. All trees are 1 to 3 gallon size and are a species native to the region. Please carefully read the “Important Notes” section below and register for your choice of trees using the form at the bottom of this page.
Native trees help our environment and our community in numerous ways, including:
Sequester carbon to improve air quality
Regulate temperatures in our urban environments
Increase property values in our neighborhoods
Catch and filter polluted stormwater before it enters our local streams
Stabilize soils and stream banks preventing erosion
Provide valuable forage and habitat for fish and wildlife
Important notes and rules for giveaway:
-Limit 3 trees per family
-Consent for Tree Inspection. Due to grant requirements, all trees given away must be tracked and reported for the Chesapeake Bay Cleanup Program. By receiving a tree, you agree to provide photo documentation of your planted tree.
-Right Tree, Right Place. To maximize the chances that your tree will survive and flourish in its new home, and to minimize the risk of property damage or other inconvenience, it is important to select the right species for your property.
Species Available:
White Flowering Dogwood
River Birch
Swamp White Oak
Tulip Poplar
Sweetbay Magnolia
Northern Red Oak
For more information, please contact Anne Self, River Steward with Friends of the Rappahanock, at
To see all tree giveaways by Friends of the Rappahannock, visit