Please join the Northern Neck Master Gardeners for a free presentation on pollinators by Tim McCoy, Virginia Cooperative Extension Associate with Virginia Tech’s Department of Entomology, on Wednesday, July 17, at 11:00 a.m. at the Transportation Museum Building, Rice’s Hotel/Hughlett’s Tavern, 73 Monument Place in Heathsville.
McCoy will provide an update on the status of the Pollinator Protection Program and some of the latest research findings about the effects of pesticides on native bees. He will discuss pollinators such as native bees, wasps and butterflies; how pesticide misuse can harm pollinators; and what attendees can do to help pollinators thrive.
During most of his 16 years at Virginia Tech, McCoy’s specialty was Urban Entomology – understanding and controlling insects such as bed bugs, cockroaches, and termites. “I’m decidedly grateful that I now get to talk about bees,” said McCoy.
“Since 2014, I’ve worked with Virginia Tech’s Pesticide Programs developing pesticide safety and environmental protection information for pesticide applicators. Now, one of my primary goals is educating Virginians about the need to protect native pollinators, not just from pesticide misuse, but also from habitat loss.”
Founded in 1989, the Northern Neck Master Gardener Association is a not-for-profit organization. Its purpose is to promote and serve the Virginia Cooperative Extension (VCE) Master Gardener Program in cooperation with the Lancaster, Northumberland, Richmond, and Westmoreland County Extension Offices in fulfilling the educational mission of VCE.