2018 Poster Contest Watersheds: Our Water, Our Home

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It’s time to announce the annual National Association of Conservation Districts’ annual Conservation Poster Contest! The contest provides kindergarten through twelfth grade students an opportunity to convey their thoughts about soil, water and related natural resource issues through art. It also highlights the educational outreach efforts of conservation districts and their state conservation associations, auxiliaries and agencies. The poster contest theme follows the annual NACD Stewardship theme. This year the theme is Watersheds:  Our Water, Our Home. 


This contest is open to any student in K-12.  Any interested teachers, scout leaders, or other organizations/individuals in the Northern Neck should contact NNSWCD Education and Outreach Specialist Kathleen Watson at 804.313.9102, X105 for more information and to get local registration forms.


To read contest rules and other details please visit   http://vaswcd.org/poster-contest

Entries must be received at the NNSWCD office in Warsaw no later that Friday, October 12 by 4:30 pm.